Friday, September 20, 2024


Social, economic survey conducted in Babel

Babylon ( The Directorate of Statistics in Babel province carried out an economic and social survey over a sample of families in the province.

The director of the census in the province Abdul Amir Sabih told Iraqi News ( today that “The survey is conducted by three mobile teams belonging to the Directorate and will be completed early next year including data taking and detailed information related to the reality of educational, health and housing as well as economic and social situations.”

He added that “The data when completed will arrive to the central authority in the Ministry of Planning and in turn will be subject to the entering and analysis,” noting that “Some international sides will be involved in the analysis of the results of this survey, which will take place in all provinces in Iraq before issuing its final results.”

Sabih confirmed that “Carrying out such surveys, which are taking place in many countries and globally called statistical survey system, comes due to the difficulty of conducting comprehensive surveys that require the providing of staff and great potentials.”