Monday, September 23, 2024


SIIC supporters demonstrate in Najaf

Najaf ( A crowd of supporters of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council launched a demonstration in Najaf province, started from the Fatimiya Mosque to the Meydan Square of central old city, protesting offending the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH).

The Media Director of the SIIC, Hesham al-Selawi, reported to that ”Hundreds supporters of (Shaheed al-Mihrab) organized a peaceful demonstration after performing the prayer of Friday started from the Fatimiya Mosque to the Meydan Square protesting the offending acts against the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) through displaying a movie that abuses the character of the Prophet Muhammad.”

He added that ”The demonstrators enchanted slogans expressing the peaceful and the civilized image of Islam.”

He continued saying that ”The SIIC warned, in a statement during the demonstration, from offending the Prophet Mohamed or insulting the Islamic religious beliefs, demanding the international society to forbid these bad acts and criminalize the sides who perform it.”

Several demonstrations were launched in Iraqi provinces protesting repeated offenses against the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH).