Friday, September 20, 2024


Musayyab station to produce more 50 megawatts

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi electricity minister ordered to accelerate the work to finalize the 8th unit of the Musayyab gas-powered station to produce additional 50 megawatts by next month, a ministry official spokesman said. “The minister visited the station in Babel province and gave instructions to accelerate the pace of work on this unit,” Aziz al-Shimari told . “The minister also ordered to finalize two other units of 100 megawatts before next summer,” he said . “Two U.S. companies are working to finalize seven units in the station out of ten in accordance with a contract with the ministry that was signed in 2005,” he added . Babel, whose capital city is Hilla, lies 100 km south Baghdad . MH (P)/AmR 1