Saturday, September 21, 2024


Urgent – 2 IEDs explode in Baquba

Urgent ... 2 IEDs explode in Baquba

Diyala, Baquba ( About 40 civilians were killed and injured due to a double explosion in Diyala province on Wednesday evening.

The Deputy Chairman of Diyala Provincial Council, Sadeq al-Husseini, reported in statement to on Wednesday that ”Two Improvised Explosive Devices exploded in a market in Khales district of northern Baquba city, the capital of Diyala province,” noting that “The explosions resulted in killing 25 civilians and injuring 15 others as initial count.”

The statement added that ”The police forces cordoned the explosion area in anticipation of any further attacks while the ambulances rushed to transport the dead bodies of the victims to the morgue and the injured people to the hospitals for treatment.”

“The reasons behind the explosion are unknown yet,” he added.

The Deputy Chairman of Diyala Provincial Council condemned the explosion, calling “The security force to tighten their security measures to reduce the armed attacks and to be up to their responsibility in preserving security and protecting the civilians.” \