Sunday, September 29, 2024


PC member: Nineveh Support Council’s contacting employees permenantly appointed

 PC member: Nineveh Support Council’s contacting employees permenantly appointed

PC member: "Nineveh Support Council\

Nineveh ( Member of Nineveh Provincial Council Mahasin Hamdoun announced completing the appointment process of the contracting employees in Um al-Rabiein Support Councils in Nineveh, denying reports over “existence of fake names within the appointments.”

Hamdoun said “The Federal Government and the Ministry of Finance finalized procedures of appointing about (16,000) contracting employees from Um al-Rabiein Support Councils in Nineveh province which resulted from the request of Nineveh PC submitted to the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to approve appointing all contracting employees of (16,000) persons as governmental staff.”

“All the appointed employees have started their jobs and received their salaries of last August,” she added.

On other hand, Hamdoun denied reports about including fake names within those appointments, stressing that “The Provincial Council of Nineveh observed transparency and integrity in approving those jobs.”