Sunday, September 22, 2024


Kuwaiti businessman pays $20 million to buy Saddam’s hanging rope

 Kuwaiti businessman pays $20 million to buy Saddam’s hanging rope

Kuwaiti businessman pays $20 million to buy Saddam\

( The Marsad Saudi Newspaper reported that “Some mediators who work for the favor of a Kuwaiti businessman demanded from the Iraqi Interior Ministry to buy the rope by which the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was hanged.”

The newspaper quoted a reliable Iraqi source as saying “The earlier mentioned businessman is ready to pay $ 20 million or any required sums of money to buy this rope.”

Marsad Newspaper cited that “The Kuwaiti businessman was informed that this rope is owned currently by the leader of the Sadr Trend Muqtada al-Sadr.”

“The Iraqi source expected that the businessman maybe obliged to negotiate with Sadr for this purpose,” the newspaper added.