Saturday, September 21, 2024


Official statistics: Violence victims reduce in August

 Official statistics: Violence victims reduce in August

Official statistics: Violence victims reduce in August

Baghdad ( An official Iraqi statistics reported that “About 164 persons were killed due to violence during August while the local and international media outlets reported the death of 278 Iraqis in the same duration.”

Governmental Iraqi statistics reported that “The casualties of August reached 164 persons which is about half of last July death toll.”

The statistics which was issued on the first Saturday of September showed that “About 90 civilians and 39 soldiers as well as 35 policemen were killed while 120 civilians and 60 soldiers as well as 80 policemen were wounded during August,” noting that “These results witnessed reduction if we compared them to the results of the last July since 325 Iraqis were killed in varied attacks all over the country.”

16th of last August witnessed the highest rate of victims when the violence killed 70 persons through terrorist blasts targeted many restaurants crowded with people.

The France Press News Agency published statistics based on security and medical sources who reported that “About 268 Iraqis were killed, including 61 policemen and 38 soldiers, and 590 Iraqi persons were wounded 82 of them are policemen and 52 soldiers.”

The (Islamic State of Iraq) terrorist organization within the Terrorist Qaeda Organization adopted most of these attacks which mostly targeted security elements in the country.