Friday, September 27, 2024


Neglecting Maliki’s instructions to reopen Qaem border port reflects non- discipline, says MP

 Neglecting Maliki’s instructions to reopen Qaem border port reflects non- discipline, says MP

Neglecting Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP, Walid al-Mohamedi, of Wasat Alliance expressed surprise at “Negligence of the Security Forces for the instructions of the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, over opening the Qaem border port in front of the Syrian refugees.”

Mohamedi said in a statement “The opening of the Qaem border port has become subject to the media and political consumption away from the humanitarian considerations.”

“This is a humanitarian issue that must stay away from the political and media calculations,” he added.

“Non-implementing the PM’s orders by the security forces is considered as a lack of discipline by these forces,” according to MP Mohamedi, who called “The Government to work on this issue seriously as it is purely humanitarian case.”

Earlier, Maliki has telephoned the Governor of Anbar province, Qasim Mohamed, on last August 23th, to instruct re-opening Qaem port and provide all kinds of aids for the Syrian refugees.