Saturday, September 28, 2024


Alwani criticizes procrastination in nominating security ministers

 Alwani criticizes procrastination in nominating security ministers

Alwani criticizes procrastination in nominating security ministers

Baghdad ( MP Khalid al-Alwani of the Iraqiya Slate expressed his criticism towards procrastination in nominating figures for assuming the Interior and Defense Ministries, noting that “It is strange to keep the country without these ministers all this time.”

“The politicians have agreed in Erbil before forming the government to grant the Defense Ministry for the Iraqiya Slate while the Interior Ministry for the Iraqi national Alliance,” Alwani stated to Iraqi News.

“Iraqis suffer a lot from the recent deteriorated security situation,” he added.

He stressed “I wonder how could Maliki run the defense and interior ministries in addition to his post as the Premier,” calling “to speed up nominating the security ministers and settle this ordeal which lasted for a long time.”

Separately, MP Alwani urged the parliament to “speed up voting on the General Amnesty Law Draft to be the best gift for Iraqis within the course of the current political crisis which lasted for eight months. ”