Sunday, September 29, 2024


Nijaifi limits Maliki’s investigation session by Infrastructures law draft only

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, decided to devote the discussions with the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, at the Parliament for tackling the topic of the Infrastructure law draft.

Parliamentary source said to “Nijaifi informed the MPs during the session specified for hosting Maliki to limit the discussions with Maliki by the Infrastructures law draft only without any other subjects.”

The Iraqi Parliament Chairmanship has decided to host PM Maliki in the Parliament on its session of Saturday to discuss the infrastructure law draft according to Maliki’s request.

Earlier, PM Nouri al-Maliki has arrived at the Parliament building this morning and was received by Speaker Nijaifi.

Some MPs from different political blocs have criticized not including discussing the security file and the repeated security breaches within the session of hosting the PM Maliki in and restricting it to discussion over the Infrastructures law draft only.