Sunday, September 22, 2024


Urgent – Parliament postpones voting on Infrastructure law draft

 Urgent – Parliament postpones voting on Infrastructure law draft

Breaking News ... Parliament postpones voting on Infrastructure law draft

Baghdad ( The parliament decided to postpone voting on the Infrastructure law draft that was supposed to be endorsed in the parliament session on next Monday.

The rapporteur of the parliament, Mohamed al-Khalidi, stated to Iraqi News ( on Sunday “The Infrastructure law draft was withdrawn from the parliament agenda of Monday session where voting on it was postponed till further notice due to the lack of the political agreement over it.”

“The Iraqiya Slate objected this law draft because it is applied in the poor countries only not Iraq that has huge budgets,” he added, noting that “The late payment project is another kind of corruption where it is impossible for Iraq to have debts that will remain for the next generations.”

“We will not support this law draft without knowing the competence of the companies that will contract with the government to implement the projects in addition to realizing the rate of the benefits Iraq should pay,” he concluded.