Sunday, September 29, 2024


Dori condemns Maliki’s attendance in Parliament for economic not security reasons

 Dori condemns Maliki’s attendance in Parliament for economic not security reasons

Dori condemns Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP Maha al-Dori of the Ahrar Parliamentary Bloc within the Sadr Trend criticized the attendance of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to discuss the law draft of the infrastructures without discussing the security file.

MP Dori told Iraqi News ( today that “The attendance of Maliki in parliament to discuss infrastructure law and ignoring the blood of innocent people and the destruction of structures of mankind is a historic setback,” stressing that “We are surprised after all this security failure and the daily killing of the Iraqi people to see the Commanding General of the Armed Forces keeping himself away from discussing the reasons behind the bombings and killings of innocent people.”

She added that “Discussion of the infrastructure file is not within the core of Maliki’s tasks because he is mainly the Commanding General of the Armed Forces and it should be the first of his duties to discuss the security file and hold the responsibility for neglecting the protection of the people,” emphasizing that “We expected the Prime Minister to submit his resignation as a reaction for his feeling of responsibility towards those lives and innocent blood.”