Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdish MP: Talabani to arrive in Kurdistan on Monday

 Kurdish MP: Talabani to arrive in Kurdistan on Monday

Kurdish MP: Talabani to arrive in Kurdistan on Monday

Baghdad ( The Kurdistani Alliance’s MP Burhan Mohammed Faraj assured that “The Iraqi President Jalal Talabani will arrive in Kurdistan Region tomorrow, Monday.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( Sunday “Talabani is scheduled to return to Iraq, particularly in Sulaimaniya, on Monday concluding his medical trip to Germany.”

“Talabani will meet the political leaders and representatives of blocs who will congratulate him for successful surgery and treatment and then will review with them the developments of the political process and the situation in Iraq and the region,” Faraj added.

It is worth to mention that the Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has been subject to medical treatment in a hospital in Germany for three months.