Sunday, September 22, 2024


Most political blocs oppose Infrastructure Law, says Kilani

 Most political blocs oppose Infrastructure Law, says Kilani

Most political blocs oppose Infrastructure Law, says Kilani

Baghdad ( MP, Jamal Kilani, of the Iraqiya Slate pointed out that “Most of the political blocs are opposing the Infrastructure Law because it will create a future financial crisis for Iraq.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The law needs more details and guarantees as well as more explanations for the mechanisms of its implementation.”

“The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, had to discuss the security file while hosted by the parliament due to its priority at the current time especially due to the terrorist attacks targeted the provinces recently,” he stressed.

Earlier, the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, has attended the parliament session to discuss the infrastructure law draft where he expressed his surprise over the objection of some blocs over this law draft, but he admitted some corruption cases to be involved with this law draft.

The parliament identified Monday session to vote the Infrastructure Law but it was postponed till further notice.