Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Basra MPs criticize marginalizing Basra within IHEC’s membership

 Basra MPs criticize marginalizing Basra within IHEC’s membership

Basra MPs criticize marginalizing Basra within IHEC\

Baghdad ( MPs from Basra province criticized “marginalizing” their province in the Independent High Electoral Commission.

MP Ahmed al-Uraibi said in a statement read on behalf of Basra MPs during a press conference held at the parliament building attended by the correspondent Iraqi News ( on Monday that “The vote on the members of the IHEC’s Board of Commissioners which took place in Parliament session on Monday clearly marginalize the province of Basra,” stressing that “People of Basra province should be represented in the IHEC, but the will of the political blocs committed fundamental mistake by preventing Basra citizens from the merit.”

He added “We denote our objection as representatives of Basra towards the marginalization of the province and demand the Committee of Experts tasked with choosing members of the Electoral Commission to provide a representative from Basra within the IHEC’s Board of Commessioners.”

The vote has been postponed on the ninth member of the Commission due to a disagreement between the Turkmen and Christian components and other religious minorities. /End