Sunday, September 29, 2024


Jubouri: Passing IHEC’s law draft in Parliament serious breach for democracy

 Jubouri: Passing IHEC’s law draft in Parliament serious breach for democracy

Jubouri: Passing IHEC\

Baghdad ( MP Qutaiba al-Jubouri of the Iraqiya Hurra Coalition strongly deplored the vote on the members of the Commissioners Board of the Independent High Electoral Commission by the Parliament on last Monday session as it represents “a violation to democracy in Iraq.”

Jubouri said in a statement Tuesday “Voting on the IHEC’s members in this way has nothing to do with the principles of Democracy as it represents a serious disregard to the wills of the Iraqi people and devotion to the personal interests of the political blocs.”

He continued saying that “The Parliament is supposed to represent the People’s power rather than the partisan and personal interests of the political sides which wasted the sacrifices of the Iraqi people since 2003 and so far in a way that made us truly concerned about the fate of the democracy in Iraq.”

He added that “We hoped from the Speaker Osama al-Nijaifi to play a neutral role as he represents the top of the legislative authority rather than a leader for a certain political bloc.”

“Jubouri called upon the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to adopt a government of political majority that takes into account the representation of all provinces without exception,” the statement concluded.