Friday, September 27, 2024


Number of Syrian refugees, Iraqi returning from Syria increase

 Number of Syrian refugees, Iraqi returning from Syria increase

Number of Syrian refugees, Iraqi returning from Syria increase

Anbar ( The Migration and Displacement Directorate in Anbar province assured that “The number of Iraqis returning from Syria through Anbar province has increased recently.”

Director of Anbar M&D Directorate, Khalid Baha, stated to on Tuesday “The number of the Syrian refugees who entered Iraq through Waleed and Qaem border inlets in Anbar province reached more than 4,200 persons while the total number of Iraqi returning from Syria became 25,826 persons.”

“These numbers have been registered till the end of last Monday,” he added, revealing intentions to “Start a third refugees’ camp in Qaem city to relief the crowded numbers in the first two camps set for the Syrian refugees.”

Baha clarified that “We face increase in the number of Iraqis returning from Syria through Anbar province since the Iraqi Government has already decided to stop receiving more Syrian refugees.”