Saturday, September 21, 2024


IS’ MPs criticize “sectarian selection” of IS’ candidates for IHEC

 IS’ MPs criticize “sectarian selection” of IS’ candidates for IHEC


Baghdad ( Two MPs of Wasat Coalition within the Iraqiya Slate criticized their Slate for the nominating the members for the Independent High Electoral Commission’s Board of Commissioners on “regional and partisan basis.”

MP Salim al-Jubouri said during a press conference held at the Parliament and attended by the correspondent of Iraqi News ( “We have joined the Iraqiya Slate because it raised the national project as a slogan that does not include regional or factional attitudes, but the Iraqiya today failed in the first test to promote this project because it preferred personal interests and political agreements at the expense of efficiency in the nomination of members of the Electoral Commission.”

He added that “Iraqiya made a mistake in neglecting an important right of the provinces representing a wide range of audiences, such as Nineveh, Salah-il-din, Kirkuk and Diyala which contain eligible competencies who are fit to be in the election commission and other institutions.”

He added “We vow the Iraqiya from moving in this wrong track and we call it to correct the understandings in the selection process and to adopt practical project rather than theoretical projects to strengthen people’s trust in the leaders of the Slate.”

For his part, MP Karim al-Sha’lan announced during the press conference his intention to “appeal to the Federal Court on the parliament vote on the members of the electoral commission,” and urged the court “to keep the [CDs] that recorded the voting session which show that the quorum of the session was not legally enough to conduct the vote on the members of the Electoral Commission.”