Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nijaifi, Deputy of SRSG discuss IHEC, UN roles in upcoming PCs elections

 Nijaifi, Deputy of SRSG discuss IHEC, UN roles in upcoming PCs elections

Nijaifi, Deputy of SRSG discuss IHEC, UN roles in upcoming PCs elections

Baghdad ( The Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, and the Deputy of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq discussed “The roles of the Independent High Electoral Commission and the United Nations in observing the upcoming Provincial Councils elections.”

A statement by Nijaifi’s office received by cited “The UN expressed satisfaction for the accomplishment of the parliament concerning the IHEC and stressed the importance of nominating the ninth member of the IHEC Commissioners Board.”

“Both sides discussed the date of the PC elections that must be conducted to consolidate democracy,” the statement added.

“Nijaifi emphasized the neutral role of the UN and the importance of its support till establishing the independent committees as he stressed the significance of following up the issue of the human rights by UNAMI,” the statement continued.

“Nijaifi confirmed the necessity of reaching a comprehensive vision during the meeting of the former members and the new members of the IHEC,” the statement concluded.