Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Basra MPs form bloc to support rehabilitating Basra province

Basra MPs form bloc to support rehabilitating Basra province

Baghdad ( Basra MPs announced forming a new parliamentary bloc to support the law draft of (Basra, Economic Capital of Iraq.)

Independent MP within the Iraqi National Alliance, Jawad al-Bazouni, stated to Iraqi News Some of Basra MPs decided to form a bloc called (Loyalty to Basra) in order to demand for Basra rights and show support endorsing the law of Basra the economic capital of Iraq,” noting that “In case this law draft was delayed or not endorsed, members of the bloc will suspend their membership in Parliament or may be resign until Basra province gets its rights.”

“The law draft of Basra as the economic capital of Iraq is more important of the Infrastructure law draft since its results will benefit the whole country since Basra enjoys natural resources and strategic location besides that the project will provide more than 250, 000 job opportunities for the citizens of the province who suffer marginalization represented by their absence from the Independent High Electoral Commission’s Board,” according to MP Bazouni.

“Some sides deliberately marginalize and hinder any project that might serve the people of Basra or the southern region of Iraq,” he concluded.