Saturday, September 21, 2024


Salihi calls UN to adopt fair stance over nominating members of IHEC

Salihi calls UN to adopt fair stance over nominating members of IHEC

Baghdad ( The head of the Turkmen bloc, Arshad al-Salihi, called the United Nations to be fair over the issue of electing the new board of Commissioners of the Independent High Electoral Commission.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he stated “The stance of the UN must be fair regarding the political representation of the communities that participate in the elections especially the Turkmen community that has important issues in Kirkuk province coincided with the local elections in the province.”

Salihi threatened of “Having another stance in the next elections if the Turkmen community is not represented in the new board of Commissioners of the IHEC,” pointing out “Woman has also to be represented in the independent commissions.”

“The Turkmen community presented its female candidate for the membership of the IHEC in order to keep the balance of the representation of the woman in the independent commissions,” he assured.

“Those who want to grant a membership to the Christian community have to grant one of their seats to the other communities or increase the number of the seats into two more seats,” he concluded.