Sunday, September 22, 2024


Urgent – Director of Tasfirat Prison detained as hostage

Salah-il-Din, Tikrit ( The armed groups who took control on Tasfirat prison in Tikrit city have taken some hostages among them the Director of the Prison Brigadier Leith Sakmani.

Security source reported to that ”The gunmen detained six wounded guards and the Director of the prison Brigadier Leith Sakmani as hostages inside the prison,” noting that “The gunmen got assistances from some rebel prisoners.”

The source added “The armed clashes are still going on between the Iraqi Army forces and the gunmen while the security forces tracking the fugitives in the streets of Tikrit city which witnessed imposing the curfew.”

Earlier, unidentified gunmen took control on Tasfirat prison in Tikrit city after detonating a car bomb at the gate of the Prison and receivinf assistance from some prisoners who managed to flee.