Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nusayif urges Allawi to justify his last visit to Kuwait

Nusayif urges Allawi to justify his last visit to Kuwait

Baghdad ( MP Aliya Nusayif of the Iraqiya Hurra Bloc called the head of the Iraqiya Slate, Ayad Allawi, to “Provide a detailed report to parliament about his recent visit to Kuwait and achievements of the visit.”

A statement by Nusayif received by Iraqi News agency ( cited that “The complicated relations between Iraq and Kuwait caused by complicated pending files which caused Iraq a lot of loses make Allawi’s visit to Kuwait different from the rest of politicians’ foreign visits in many ways since Kuwait is the reason to keep Iraq under UN’s sanctions.”

She added that “Allawi, unfortunately, has not showed us any statement after his previous visits to Kuwait, to talk about the outcome of his discussions with Kuwaiti officials over resolving any file of the outstanding issues between the two sides,” noting that “Allawi deals with Kuwait as he deals with any other country that we do not have any disputes with, neglecting the problems that exist on the ground which the Iraqi people aspire to find solutions to them.”

She stressed “Necessity to provide detailed report by Allawi, as a member of Parliament, to the Iraqi parliament after returning from Kuwait to inform the Iraqi people about the results of this visit and what has been settled of the pending issues related to Mubarak Port, UN Charter’s 7th Chapter, resolution 833 and the border oil wells and others.”

The head of the IS, Ayad Allawi, has already left to Kuwait on Thursday on an unannounced visit.