Wednesday, September 25, 2024


MoI denies withdrawing Waili’s bodyguards

MoI denies withdrawing Waili\

Baghdad ( The Ministry of Interior denied the reports concerning withdrawing the security protection force tasked with protecting the late former Basra governor, Mohamed Musbah al-Waili before assassinating him.

The Ministry of Interior quoted its Official spokesperson, Colonel Saad Ma’an Ibraheem, as saying in statement received by on Monday that ”The news, which were reported by some media outlets, about the Interior Ministry instructing Basra police Department to withdraw the special bodyguards of the former Basra governor, are totally incorrect.”

The statement added that ”The protection elements, nine bodyguards, who were allocated for Waili were with the late former governor but he was driving his vehicle alone at the incident time which led to his death.”

The Official spokesperson called all media outlets to ”Consider accuracy and credibility in adopting the news from the trusted sources.”

An armed group assassinated the former Basra governor Mohamed Musbah al-Waili near (Said Hamed Suach) mosque at 10 PM of last Thursday night. \