Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Ashur urges Iraqi Government to avoid regional conflicts

Ashur urges Iraqi Government to avoid regional conflicts

Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Slate (IS) called on the government to play a role in the convergence of views among the countries of the Region.

The IS’ adviser, Hani Ashur, said in a statement received by Iraqi News ( on Tuesday, that “The Iraqi government have to play a convergence role instead of falling in the midst of conflict, because the Iraqi arena would be the most preferable candidate for such conflict and Iraq will be the biggest loser, because it will taste the scourge of new wars, which it had not recovered from past wars, while Iraq has to be a distance from the conflict, nor be a war land or its fuel.”

He added that the “The Region is heading towards a disastrous war which could burn everything and everybody and destroy what the countries got in the region from progress, if the countries of the region did not adopt dialogue to rearrange the situations in the region and work to cool it.”

Ashur added that “It is clear that the region now is divided into two axes, one supported by America and the West, and the second is supported by Russia and China, and the two axes practiced arm-twisting policy and heating battlefield in our region,” noting that “Any collision to take place in the region will destroy what the region had achieved of progress and wealth.”

All these reasons urge the region’s countries to stay away from this international conflict, Ashur concluded.