Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Political settlement to be postponed till next parliament

Political settlement to be postponed till next parliament

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP Jawad al-Bazoni of the Iraqi National Alliance ruled out the “ability of the President Jalal Talabani to solve the current political crisis in the country,” at the same time he stressed that “The meetings and dialogues among the leaders of political blocs are understandings on security ministries’ files and on infrastructure law draft.”

Bazoni told Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) today that “We cannot realize any possible solutions to end the current political crisis in the country during the current electoral term, and what is happening now of meetings and dialogues among leaders of political blocs are just kind of a truce to reduce tensions and simple understandings to pass the current phase and therefore will leave the problems for the next electoral term.”

He added that “Meetings conducted by the leaders of political blocs today are understandings concerning the Infrastructure law draft which was agreed upon and will be announced next week after the approval of the condition of the Kurdistan Alliance by giving them 17% in the law.”

Bazoni said “The rest of the differences that exist among the political forces such as the subject of differences between Kurdistan and the Federal governments in addition to other issues will not be solved in this term and all will be deported to the next electoral term.”