Friday, September 27, 2024


Khudari calls Iraqi FM to exert diplomatic efforts with riparian countries to ensure suitable water

Khudari calls Iraqi FM to exert diplomatic efforts with riparian countries to ensure suitable water

Baghdad ( MP Hamid al-Khudhari of the Citizen Bloc described the Agriculture and Water Resources sectors in Iraq as deteriorated, stressing that “these sectors need a sound administration based on a scientific policy,” calling, at the same time, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry to intensify its diplomatic efforts with Turkey and Iran to secure the access of large amounts of waters to Iraq.”

Khudhri stated to “Iraq enjoys all the key elements and potentials for the agriculture such as suitable climate, soil, water resources and labor skills, but it needs a proper management for the agricultural sector.”

“The most prominent obstacles facing the Iraqi agriculture is the water scarcity which needs diplomatic efforts that should be adopted by the Foreign Ministry with the riparian countries (Turkey and Iran) in order to pressurize them to allow greater amounts of waters to enter the Iraqi rivers,” he added.