Friday, September 20, 2024


Flexibility in Obama’s withdrawal pledge annoys anti-war voters

BAGHDAD / U.S. President-elect Barack Obama’s announcement that his country is “on a glide path” to have all forces withdrawn from Iraq 16 months after he takes office has annoyed anti-war groups and voters, The Washington Times said on Tuesday. “In his first extensive public comments on Iraq since winning the election, Mr. Obama said he will make good on his campaign promise to give the military a new mission to end the Iraq war ‘responsibly,’ though he added that the deadline could shift depending on both U.S. troops’ and Iraqis’ security,” according to the newspaper. “‘I believe that 16 months is the right time frame,’ Mr. Obama said after announcing his national security team that includes Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who has overseen military gains in Iraq under President Bush.” “‘But as I have said consistently, I will listen to the recommendations of my commanders. And my number one priority is making sure that our troops remain safe in this transition phase and that the Iraqi people are well served by a government that is taking on increased responsibility for its own security’,” Obama said, according to the newspaper. “Antiwar groups found him too timid, saying Mr. Obama always has left room for keeping troops in Iraq longer than many voters have anticipated.” SS (S) 1