Saturday, September 28, 2024


Barzani: Kurdistan Region’s experiment results from sacrifices of its people

Barzani: Kurdistan Region\

Erbil ( The President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, assured “There is no impossible thing to build the future of Kurdistani people,” noting that “The experiment of Kurdistan Region is the result of the sacrifices of its people.”

A statement by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan quoted Barzani, while attending the Scientific Conference, as saying “The blood of the martyrs of Kurdistan Region resulted in the current experiment of Kurdistan Region where we all have to protect these achievements and develop them.”

“The fighting is not only related to the Peshmirga elements, but it is also the fighting of science,” he added, noting that “There is no impossible thing to build the future of Kurdistan Region where the will of the Kurdish people cannot be faced by any power where peoples are able to destroy all obstacles to achieve their goals.”