Monday, September 23, 2024


MP criticize water policy in Iraq

MP criticize water policy in Iraq

Baghdad ( Mohamed al-Karbuli, member of the Water and Agriculture Parliamentary Committee criticized the water policy of the Government, pointing that ”The government has no plan to prevent the water scarcity in Iraq.”

He reported in statement to on Friday that ”The government has no plan to prevent the real risks for water scarcity in Iraq and even the current water policy is not successful because we need to build more dams in order to take advantage of the rainwater.”

The statement added that ”There are many factors contributed in increasing the seriousness of the water scarcity in Iraq such as the water block practiced by Turkey and not allocating enough budget for building dams as well as the rumors which reported about possible collapse the Mosul dam.”

Many Iraqi provinces suffer of water scarcity and shortage of thier water share that resulted in increasing the agricultural deterioration and increasing desertificated areas in Iraq. \