Monday, September 23, 2024


MP criticizes announcing names of accused officials of corruption issues

MP criticizes announcing names of accused officials of corruption issues

Baghdad ( MP, Adel al-Maliki, the member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee criticized announcing the names of the accused officials of corruption issues in the media outlets.

He stated to Iraqi News ( The arrest warrants against some officials are judicial ones where the judicial sides have the right to follow up applying them, but there should be secrecy in these cases,” noting that “Unfortunately, some MPs are unaware of this issues and it is illegal to state about these issues in the media outlets before completing the investigation procedures.”

“The accused official, if approved not guilty, has the right to sue the MPs who defamed him in the media outlets,” he added.

It is worth mentioning that the Parliamentary Integrity Committee has announced, few weeks ago, the release of several judicial warrants against some officials of corruption charges.