Saturday, September 28, 2024


IS MP: Suggestion of withdrawing confidence from Maliki, still exist

IS MP: Suggestion of withdrawing confidence from Maliki, still exist

Baghdad ( MP, Qusai al-Ebadi, of the Iraqiya Slate rules out settling the political crisis in Iraq, noting that “The suggestion of withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, is still exist.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The political crisis will not be settled due to the increase of the tensions among the political crisis especially about the national partnership concept.”

“This crisis will not be settled without the end of the current term of the government,” he added, pointing out “All the options are available such as withdrawing the confidence from Maliki which was postponed due to the latest political updates.”

He expressed his hope over “Conducting dilague by all the political blocs to achieve the best solutions to the current disputes.”