Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Talabani expresses optimism over settling political crisis

Talabani expresses optimism over settling political crisis

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The President, Jalal Talabani, expressed his optimism over settling the political crisis in Iraq.

A presidential statement received by IraqiNews.com on Monday cited “Talabani received the governmental delegation of Kurdistan Region headed by the Vice-President of Kurdistan Region, Emad Ahmed, who is visiting Baghdad to settling the pending issues between Kurdistan Region and Baghdad.

“Talabani pointed out to the necessity of the meeting between the delegation and the officials in Baghdad, describing it as positive to settling the political crisis,” the statement added, noting that “Talabani stressed the necessity of discussing all the suggestions and the demands of the political blocs according to the constitution and the deals that formed the government.”

“Talabani expressed his optimism over the success of the meetings between the delegation and the political blocs to achieve the settling of the political disputes,” the statement pointed out.

“Ahmed reviewed with Talabani the results of the meetings that he had conducted, describing them as positive and assuring the success of those meeting for the benefit of Iraq,” the statement concluded.