Tuesday, October 8, 2024


MP urges politicians to avoid tensed statements

MP urges politicians to avoid tensed statements

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Qusai al-Ebadi, of the Iraqiya Slate expressed his hope over the adherence of the politicians to avoid the tensed statements that increases the political crisis.

Speaking to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com), he said ” The political efforts to settle the crisis were increased especially between the State of Law Coalition and the Kurdistani Alliance where the IS avoided the tensed statements to provide a good atmosphere to settle the political crisis.”

“All sides wish to avoid the tensed statements where the Kurds announced their adherence to avoid such statements,” he added, noting that “Avoiding such statements will highly contribute in bringing the various views closer, but the MPs of SLC especially MP, Yasin Majid who released tensed statements that might result in a new crisis.”

He urged the politicians to “Avoid such statements in order not to complicate the situation in Iraq where the regional situation, especially the Syrian one, will negatively affect Iraq.”