Saturday, September 21, 2024


Babel Municipalities Directorate performs several service projects in Babel

Babel ( The Directorate of Babel Municipalities has performed several service projects in the districts and towns of Babel province.

The head of the media office with Babel MD, Musa al-Murshidi, stated to Iraqi News ( “The directorate performed a project for developing the entrance of Sadah district with cost of 123 IQD Million where the period of performance will be 210 days. ‘

“This project is included in the investment plan of Babel province,” he added, noting that “The Municipality of Abu Gharag district started in performing a project to provide the water to the parks in the district in addition to performing a roundabout in Hilla-Karba way with cost of 190 IQD Million and a period of performance of 180 days.”