Monday, September 23, 2024


70 Traffic accidents took place in Najaf during October

70 Traffic accidents took place in Najaf during October

Najaf ( The General Traffic Directorate of Najaf province declared that about (70) traffic accidents took place in Najaf province during October 2012.

The director of the Media Office in the Traffic Directorate, Faruq Murza, reported in statement to on Monday ”According to the statistics, about (70) traffic accidents took place in Najaf province during October,” noting that “Most of these accidents occurred due to traffic jams in the crossroads and closing many main streets without offering any alternative streets, especially on days of Eid al-Adha.”

The statement added ”Many bad traffic jams took place at the entrance of (Wadi al-Salaam) cemetery, especially during the first three days of Eid al-Adha, because all the entrances, but one, of the cemetery were closed and this entrance was used as enterance and exit which created confusion in the traffic even forces of the Iraqi Army and police were called to organize the traffic movement.”

The statement pointed out ”Some accidents happened at the bridges of the province due to high speed or lack of attention of the drivers,” stressing that ”All traffic accidents resulted in injuries without any deaths.” \