Monday, September 23, 2024


Abdul Lateef calls to adopt equality in dealing with Kurdistan Region

Abdul Lateef calls to adopt equality in dealing with Kurdistan Region

Baghdad ( The former MP, Wael Abdul Lateef, criticized the compliments of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, and the State of Law Coalition in dealing with Kurdistan Region at the expense of other sides.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Why does Kurdistan Region have privileges that for example Basra and Diwaniya provinces do not have?” he questioned.

“Is these compliments come to preserve the post of the PM,” he exclaimed.

He called “To adopt constitutional and legal ways to avoid such violations for the constitution and democracy.”

“I think the balance must be achieved by forming the two committee that the constitution mentioned in 105 and 106 to distribute the financial budget among the provinces equally,” he concluded.