Saturday, September 28, 2024


Armed group suspected of detonating Sayida Zainab’s holy shrine in Syria captured

Armed group suspected of detonating Sayida Zainab\

( The Syrian security forces arrested, on last Friday, the group which has attempted to detonate the holy shrine of Sayida Zainab, the daughter of Imam Ali (peace be upon them) in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Informed sources cited that “The group expressly admitted to committing many abductions, bombings and assassinations attempts targeting Syrians and a number of Iraqis. The group also admitted that the Egyptian journalist (Ibrahim Nawar) is the mastermind of the financing and planning where they confessed that he was working in Iraq.”

The sources insinuated to the “Involvement of Nawar in assassinating the Egyptian Ambassador to Iraq, Ihab al-Sharif, in 2005.”

For its part, the Syrian state Sat Channel stressed that “The Egyptian journalist has facilitated the exit of a group comprising six members, three from Syria and two Libyans as well as unknown individual, from the Libyan city of Benghazi to carry out violent attacks in Syria exploiting the unrests there to ignite a sectarian strife.”

It is worth to mention that the holy shrine of Sayida Zainab was prone to several attempts to detonate it by car bombs and shelling.