Sunday, September 22, 2024


Commander of SOC survives assassination attempt

Commander of SOC survives assassination attempt

Salah-il-Din, Tikrit ( The Commander of Samara Operations Command survived an assassination attempt to north of Samara city of southern Salah-il-Din province.

The Commander of Salah-il-Din Brigade within Samara Operations Command, Dhaher Faleh, reported to on Tuesday that ”The Commander survived an explosion of IED that targeted his motorcade in Huwash area (5 KM) to the north of Samara city.”

The source added ”The explosion did not result in any human casualties but it caused material damage to the vehicle of Samara Operations’ Commander.”

The Commander of Samara Operations, General Rasheed Faleih, assumed investigations on prisoners escapes of Tasfirat prison which took place on September 27.

Samara Operations Command denied appointing a commander instead of its commander on October 14. \