Saturday, September 21, 2024


Dabbagh clarifies Iraqi Cabinet’s decision to replace Ration Card with financial sums

Dabbagh clarifies Iraqi Cabinet\

Baghdad ( The Spokesperson of the Iraqi Government, Ali al-Dabbagh, clarified the decision of the Council of Ministers about replacing the Ration Card with financial sums.

Dabagh said in a statement received by, on Wednesday that “The CoM decided in its regular session of last Tuesday to replace the Ration Card by financial grants to be distributed on citizens by IQD 15, 000 for each member which is an increase from being IQD 12, 000.”

“The approval to increase the financial allocations of the RC reflects the Government’s eagerness to support the Iraqi citizens and his food basket through boosting the sums which replace the food materials distributed to the citizens within the RC,” he added.

Earlier, the Spokesperson has announced, on last Tuesday, the CoM’s decision to replace the Ration Card with financial sums starting from 1st, March, 2013.