Monday, September 23, 2024


MP criticizes decision of associating Women Affairs Dept to Labor Ministry

MP criticizes decision of associating Women Affairs Dept to Labor Ministry

Baghdad ( MP Huda Sajad, member of the Parliamentary Women, Family, and Childhood Committee, revealed collecting 150 votes of MPs to support the demand for allocating sums of money from 2013 federal budget to Women Affairs Department.

Sajad told that “The Women Affairs Dept was associated to the Council of Ministers, but now, it has been detached from the CoM and was attached to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs according to the amendment conducted to the Labor and Social Affairs law.”

“The decision of relating the Women Affairs Dept to MoLSA is unsound step because the ministry is busy with so many other files, moreover we hope to turn the Women Affairs Dept into an independent bureau associated to the Ministry of Women,” she concluded.