Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdish MP considers formation of Tigris Operations Command as Violation for constitution

Kurdish MP considers formation of Tigris Operations Command as "Violation for constitution"

Baghdad ( MP, Azad Abu Baker, of the Kurdistani Alliance considered “Forming the Tigris Operations Command as a violation for the constitution.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The constitution does not grant the authority for the General Commander of the Armed Forces to form such Commands in addition to the fact that non of the Commanders of such Commands is approved by the parliament.”

“There are violations for the authorities of the provinces where forces deployed in the provinces must by related to the Governor or the Provincial Council,” he added.

“The deployment of these forces in the disputed areas violate the agreement concluded between the Federal Government and the Kurdistani Regional Government,” he mentioned

He described the current government as “A government of crises where there are no solutions for the crises.”

“The lack of coordination between the FG and the Kurdistan RegionG over the deployment of these forces in the disputed areas will create more crises between the two sides,” he concluded.

Earlier, the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, tasked the Commander of Diyala Operations Command, General Abdul Ameer al-Zaydi, to assume the responsibility of three provinces.

Zaydi stated to “Maliki, as the General Commander of the Armed Groups ordered to task me to head the Command of Diyala, Salah-il-Din and Kirkuk province under the name of Tigris Operations Command.”