Saturday, September 21, 2024


Ptrauos quit his post as CIA Head for having affair

Ptrauos quit his post as CIA Head for having affair

( David Petraeus, the director of the CIA and one of America’s most decorated four-star generals, resigned Friday after an FBI investigation uncovered evidence that he had been involved in an extramarital affair.

Petraeus, 60, issued a statement acknowledging the affair after President Barack Obama accepted his resignation and it was announced by the CIA on Friday. The disclosure ended a triumphant re-election week for the president with an unfolding scandal.

Government officials said that the FBI began an investigation into a “potential criminal matter” several months ago that was not focused on Petraeus. In the course of their inquiry into whether a computer used by Petraeus had been compromised, agents discovered evidence of the relationship as well as other security concerns. About two weeks ago, FBI agents met with Petraeus to discuss the investigation.”

Administration and congressional officials identified the woman with whom he was having the affair as Paula Broadwell, the co-author of a biography of Petraeus. Her book, “All In: The Education of General David Petraeus,” was published this year. Broadwell could not be reached for comment.

Broadwell, a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, spent 15 years in the military, according to a biography that had appeared on her website. She spent extended periods of time with Petraeus in Afghanistan, interviewing him for her book, which grew out of a two-year research project for her doctoral dissertation and which she promoted on a high-profile tour. Married with two children, she has described Petraeus as her mentor.

Senior members of Congress were alerted to Petraeus’ impending resignation by intelligence officials about six hours before the CIA announced it. One congressional official who was briefed on the matter said that Petraeus had been encouraged “to get out in front of the issue” and resign, and that he agreed.

As for how the affair came to light, the congressional official said, “It was portrayed to us that the FBI was investigating something else and came upon him. My impression is that the FBI stumbled across this.”