Monday, September 23, 2024


Saad calls to increase job opportunities allocated to Ministry of Electricity within 2013 federal budget

Saad calls to increase job opportunities allocated to Ministry of Electricity within 2013 federal budget

Baghdad ( MP Suzan al-Saad, member of the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee revealed that 2013 federal budget includes about 2000 official job opportunities for favor of the Electricity Ministry, noting that she will collect votes of MPs to demand for increasing the number to 5000 or 10,000 degrees.

Saad stated that “The draft of the federal budget of 2013 has been submitted to the Parliament, and after reading its articles we found that the job opportunities allocated to the Ministry of Electricity do not exceed 2000.”

“These job opportunities do not meet the need and do not match the astronomic number of the contracting employees or those of daily wages especially they will be distributed on all provinces according to the population ratios of each province that makes its number very few compared to each province,” she concluded.