Friday, September 27, 2024


Calls for forming Northern Operations Command aim creating crises, says Khalil

Calls for forming Northern Operations Command aim creating crises, says Khalil

Baghdad ( MP, Mahma Khalil, of the Kurdistani Alliance assured that the calls for forming Northren Operations Command in Erbil to confront the Turkish attacks aim at creating crises and for media purposes.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “These calls intends to create confusion and new crises to avoid settling the current disputes,” noting that “We know the intentions behind such pressures.”

“Government has to adhere to the constitutional rights of the Regions and the Provinces,” he concluded.

MP, Abdul Salaam al-Maliki, called the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to form an operations command for the northern of Iraq in Erbil province.

In a press statement received by on Friday, Maliki said “Kurdistan Region is a part of Iraq and the central government has to protect it from the Turkish attacks where the guards of Kurdistan Region cannot preserve the sovereignty of Kurdistan Region after the calls of the Kurdistani Regional Government to the central government to interfere in this issue.”

“Forming an operations command in Erbil is related to PM Maliki where the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani is not aware of this fact which is stated in the constitution,” he added.

He called “Maliki to from this operations command in Erbil according to the constitution and the interest of the Iraqi people in Kurdistan Region to protect it from the Turkish attacks and the other security breaches.”