Saturday, September 21, 2024


100 votes collected to pass Retirement Law within 2013 federal budget, says MP

100 votes collected to pass Retirement Law within 2013 federal budget, says MP

Baghdad ( MP Haitham al-Jubouri, member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, announced collecting more than 100 signatures of MPs to pass the Retirement Law within the Federal budget project of 2013.

Jubouri said that “We collected more than 100 votes to include the General Retirement Law within 2013 federal budget because it is very crucial and concerns large category of the Iraqi society.”

“We informed the chairman of the General Retirement Bureau to submit the proposal of the retirement law to the State Council within the current week and to send a copy of it to the Finance Committee to observe it in its final form,” he added.

Earlier, the member of the Economy & Investment Committee, Ibrahim al-Rikabi has stressed in a statement to that “The Retirement law includes an increase in the salaries where the minimum salary will be IQD 400,000 per month.