Monday, September 23, 2024


Sadoun: Parliament continues observing Governmental performance despite crises

Sadoun: "Parliament continues observing Governmental performance despite crises"

Baghdad ( The head of the Kurdistani Alliance bloc in the parliament, Mihsin al-Sadoun, confirmed that the parliament is going on in monitoring the Governmental performance and legislating the important laws despite the crises like that of Tuz Khurmatu clashes and the rest.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The parliament will continue endorsing the important laws like the Oil and Gas and limiting the Presidential terms to two.”

“The most critical issue in the country is the corruption after 2003 that increased currently where even key officials became involved while the Governments could not eliminate it,” he continued.

“The corruption about the armament contracts was revealed by the Russian sides unfortunately and this is dangerous issue,” he stressed.

He called “Citizens to call for suing the corrupted sides involved in the armament contracts, Ration Card and the Central Bank of Iraq by referring them to the courts,” he concluded.