Monday, September 23, 2024


Finance Committee: 2013 federal budget includes 65, 000 job opportunities

Finance Committee: 2013 federal budget includes 65, 000 job opportunities

Baghdad ( MP Haitham al-Jubouri, member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, announced that the federal budget of 2013 includes 65, 000 job opportunities and more than its half is allocated for the Ministry of Education.

Jubouri told that “The draft law of 2013 budget includes 65, 000 job opportunities, including 32, 000 jobs are dedicated for the Education Ministry and 12800 for Ministry of Interior, 11, 000 for Ministry of Health, and 8, 000 for Kurdistan Region.”

“While 711 opportunities are assigned for the Supreme Judicial Council, 59 job opportunities for Finance Ministry, and 50 ones for the Parliament Council,” he added.

He pointed out that “The Investment budget reached 40% of the budget, whereas the operational budget amounted to 60% while the share of the provinces reached 10%.”

It is worth mentioning that the Parliament is going on reading the second reading of the draft law of 2013 federal budget.