Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi provinces witness commemoration of Husseini Taasoo’a

Iraqi provinces witness commemoration of Husseini Taasoo\

Baghdad ( 14 Iraqi provinces witnessed gatherings to commemorate Taasoo’a, ninth day of Muharram, on occasion of martyrdom of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him). correspondent reported on Saturday that “Provinces of Baghdad, Basra, Maysan, Dhi Qar, Diwaniya, Muthanna, Wassit, Babel, Diyala, Salah il-Din, Kirkuk, Nineveh, Erbil, and Sulaimaniya are preparing to commemorate Hussein Taasoo’a simultaneously.”

The head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, is scheduled to deliver a speech on occasion of Taasoo’a, the 9th day of Muharram, amid those groups.