Friday, September 27, 2024


IS’s MP calls to support negotiations between Baghdad, Erbil according to Iraqi Constitution


Baghdad ( MP Fahad Mukhlis Basha of the Iraqiya Slate called the political sides to exert more efforts to succeed the negotiations between Baghdad and Erbil according to the Constitution and law.

In a statement by the bloc’s media office, Basha cited “The patriotic and moral duty impose on all sides to exert further efforts to succeed the negotiations between the Iraqi Central Government and Kurdistan Regional Government,” stressing on adopting the constitutional and legal solutions in settling the disputes between both sides.”

“We criticize some Kurdish figures for dealing with the constitution’s articles selectively especially in respect to their objection on movements of the federal army in the disputed areas since the Kurdish people are Iraqi people and it is the federal government’s duty to protect them,” he concluded.

The Spokesperson of Ministry of Defense, Dhya al-Wakeel, has announced earlier this morning “It is scheduled the Kurdish negotiating delegation to arrive in Baghdad to attend the meeting that will be held in the Green Zone to discuss the current crisis between Baghdad and Erbil over the administration of the security file in the disputed areas .”